To my blog-samples project I've added a Splash Events client using Spring Security's OAuth2 client support. Out of the box, it contains APIs for querying events, event extra details, event attendees, and contacts (attendees for one or more events), see its integrated tests for examples on how this client can be used. Although written in Kotlin, it should work fine integrated with any JVM-compatible language, I use it with a Java application.
One peculiarity with Splash Events is the API returning a 200 with a 429 internal error code when too many requests are being made, requiring some delay (usually a second will do) before making another request. I believe the limitation for at least my project is no more than two calls per second allowed, something that can easily occur when querying for many contacts or events. For optimal performance, for areas of the code where you're rapidly querying Splash, it's good to install an adjustable wait-state prior to making the call, to avoid the delays with receiving the 429 and making another call thereafter. Choose the smallest wait state that doesn't result in excessive 429 messages. Further, of course, code calling the client should still handle the case of a 429 getting returned, pausing, and making the same request again. For my calls to get contact data, I use code similar to the following:
private Contact getContact(String contactId) { do { try { insertDelay(); // Thread.sleep(xxx) etc. return splashQueryRunner.getContact(contactId).getData(); } catch (ServiceException exception) { int statusCode = exception.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode == 429) { pauseDueToTooManyRequests(); // Thread.sleep(xxx) with different logging } else { // something else logger.error("getContact API Call Service Exception: code = {}, message = {}", statusCode, exception.getMessage()); throw exception; } } catch (Exception exception) { logger.error("Splash API getContact event call returned error", exception); throw exception; } } while (true); }
Posted by Glen Mazza in Programming at 07:00AM May 27, 2024 | Comments[0]
Below shows the steps I followed for creating keys and certificates for local development (at https://localhost:port#) of Tomcat- and Vite-powered web applications. The process involves creating a local certificate authority (CA) with a self-signed certificate imported into Firefox and Chrome. Then I created a server key and certificate, the latter signed by the CA, to be used by both application servers. This is for work on a Mac OS with LibreSSL 2.6.5 used for the key commands, the process will vary a bit with other OS's or OpenSSL variants.
Before proceeding, there are a couple of shortcuts for working with self-signed certificates for local development, if perhaps you have only a little bit of development to do and can stand the browser unpleasantries during that time. For Firefox, you can choose to ignore the "self-signed cert" warning, with the development pages continually marked as "not secure" as a consequence. Chrome also provides a couple of options (here and here) for the same. Finally, if your motivation in creating a new key is because you've lost the public key and/or cert for a given private key, see this note on how both can be regenerated from that private key.
Create a Certificate Authority whose certificate will be imported into Firefox and Chrome. Although this certificate will be self-signed, the certificate for the server key that will be used by Tomcat and Vite will be signed by this CA. For these steps, I'm using genpkey to generate the private key and req to sign it, with a lifespan of 825 days as that's apparently the max permitted on MacOS. Note the RootCA requires a CA:TRUE
setting which I'm providing below a rootcert.ext
extension file.
Place in ca/rootcert.ext:
basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE
(For the commands in this entry, using folders of ../certs and ../certs/ca)
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out ca/MyCA.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -aes-256-cbc openssl req -new -sha256 -key ca/MyCA.key -out ca/MyCA.csr openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 825 -in ca/MyCA.csr -signkey ca/MyCA.key -out ca/MyCA.crt -extfile ca/rootcert.ext
openssl pkey -in MyCA.key -text -noout openssl req -text -in MyCA.csr -noout openssl x509 -text -in MyCA.crt -noout
Import the CA certificate into Firefox and Chrome.
For Firefox, menu item Firefox -> Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> View Certificates button -> Authorities -> Import MyCA.crt, then select "Trust this CA to identify websites." The CA will be listed on the Authorities tab under the Organization name you gave when creating the CSR.
Chrome uses Apple's Keychain Access to store certificates. It can be activated from menu Chrome -> Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Security Tab -> Manage Certificates. However, I found it clumsy to work with and simpler to use the command line:
sudo security add-trusted-cert -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain -d ca/MyCA.crt
Once run, you'll find it under the system keychain, "Certificates" category in Keychain Access.
Create the server key in which you specify the domain name(s) applications using the key will be using. First thing to note is that Chrome requires usage of the subjectAltName extension when creating the key, Common Name alone will not work. There are several ways to configure this extension, the simplest I found that would work with my version of LibreSSL was to use an extension file as explained in the OpenSSL cookbook. (Note "TightBlog" refers to my open source project.)
Place in servercert.ext:
subjectAltName = DNS:localhost
Multiple domains can be specified, just make them comma-delimited.
Then run these commands:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out tightblog.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 openssl req -new -sha256 -key tightblog.key -out tightblog.csr openssl x509 -req -in tightblog.csr -CA ca/MyCA.crt -CAkey ca/MyCA.key -CAcreateserial -out tightblog.crt -days 824 -sha256 -extfile servercert.ext
Configure the keys and/or certs on the development servers. For TightBlog development, the application runs on Tomcat, however I use Vite while developing the Vue pages, so I have two servers to configure. SSL information for Tomcat is here and some for Vite is here.
For Vue using Vite, I updated my vite.config.ts as follows:
... import fs from 'fs' ... export default defineConfig({ .... server: { // https: { key: fs.readFileSync('/Users/gmazza/opensource/certs/tightblog.key'), cert: fs.readFileSync('/Users/gmazza/opensource/certs/tightblog.crt') }, .... } })
For Tomcat, I found Jens Grassel's instructions to be useful. He has us create a PKCS #12 key-and-certificate-chain bundle followed by usage of Java keytool to import the bundle into the keystore configured in the Tomcat server.xml file:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in tightblog.crt -inkey tightblog.key -chain -CAfile ca/MyCA.crt -name "MyTomcatCert" -out tightblogForTomcat.p12 keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass changeit -destkeystore /Users/gmazza/.keystore -srckeystore tightblogForTomcat.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12
Whatever export password you enter for the upper command, use as the source password in the lower one. The destkeystore
should be whatever you have configured in your Tomcat server.xml for the SSL port. For Tomcat, you'll want no more than one alias (here, "MyTomcatCert") in the keystore, or specify the keyAlias in the Tomcat server.xml. The keytool list certs and delete alias commands can help you explore and adjust the Tomcat keystore.
I activated the application in both browsers and checked the URL bar to confirm that the certificates were accepted. For my local development I have the application running on Tomcat at https://localhost:8443/ and the Vue pages running on Vite at https://localhost:8080. Examples showing the Vue URL on Firefox and the Tomcat one on Chrome are as below. Both URLs were accepted by both browsers, but note Firefox does caution that the CA the cert was signed with is not one of the standard CA certs that it ships with.
Posted by Glen Mazza in Programming at 07:00AM Mar 17, 2024 | Comments[1]
I've updated the software running this blog to a new version of TightBlog, running on a standalone Tomcat on Ubuntu running on Linode. It's still a SNAPSHOT version with some things to fix. Below are my installation notes. Note many of these instructions hold for deploying any WAR-file in such an environment, so what I've written below may be useful for other apps.
Linode preparation:
and then configured it for my linode following these instructions.Tomcat preparation:
I installed OpenJDK 17 and then manually Tomcat on my image, using a non-root account. Another option, which I had problems getting to work before switching to the above (probably due to since-learned firewall configuration omissions on my part), is using sudo apt-get install, which if you use requires some extra configuration for it to work with JDK 17.
Either Tomcat install method above should result in sudo systemctl [start|stop|restart] tomcat
(or ...tomcat9
) command-line instructions being available for starting and stopping Tomcat. After starting Tomcat, confirm you can access Tomcat's port 8080 from a browser using your linode's IP address.
sudo systemctl stop tomcat For housekeeping on key updates, may wish to delete logs at /opt/tomcat/latest/logs sudo -H certbot certonly --standalone -d -d (see "Successfully received certificate" feedback indicating Certbot worked.) sudo -s cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/* sudo cp {cert,chain,privkey}.pem /opt/tomcat/latest/conf chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat/latest/conf/*.pem sudo systemctl start tomcat ...confirm website accessible again at https://..., if not working ensure tomcat dirs all owned by tomcat user & restart cd /etc/letsencrypt/live sudo rm -r*
<Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" URIEncoding="UTF-8" redirectPort="443" /> <Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true"> <SSLHostConfig> <Certificate certificateFile="conf/cert.pem" certificateKeyFile="conf/privkey.pem" certificateChainFile="conf/chain.pem"/> </SSLHostConfig> </Connector>
file to activate it and then run a script similar to the following (replace "tomcat8" with the non-root user that is running Tomcat on your linode):
sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/80 sudo chmod 500 /etc/authbind/byport/80 sudo chown tomcat8 /etc/authbind/byport/80 sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/443 sudo chmod 500 /etc/authbind/byport/443 sudo chown tomcat8 /etc/authbind/byport/443
Because the Ubuntu Linode I was using was running the UFW firewall by default, I needed further commands to be able to expose 80 and 443 to external browsers:
sudo ufw allow 80/tcp sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
Use sudo ufw status
to confirm the ports are available, for IPv4 you should see:
Status: active To Action From -- ------ ---- OpenSSH ALLOW Anywhere 3306 ALLOW Anywhere 8080/tcp ALLOW Anywhere 80/tcp ALLOW Anywhere 443/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
MySQL preparation:
TightBlog deployment:
instead of
). The WAR file will need to be placed in the Tomcat webapps folder as
file (sample). Create or download these as appropriate./home/gmazza/tbfiles/mediafiles
. Note for Tomcat to be able to read and write from these folders, the leaf folder (here, mediafiles
should have the ownership of the user account running Tomcat (e.g. tomcat:tomcat
), and that user must have execute permissions for every parent folder.scp ROOT.war
. However, I prefer "sftp", navigating to desired folders, and using "put" or "get" to upload or download respectively.[/tightblog]
Troubleshooting: if accessing[/tightblog] from a browser returns 404's while you can still ping the domain, check to see if you can access that URL from a terminal window that is SSH'ed into your Linode using the command-line Lynx browser. If you can, that would mean Tomcat is running properly but there is most likely a problem with the authbind or iptable rerouting preventing external access. If you can't, Tomcat configuration should be looked at first.
Export to a file: sudo mysqldump tightblogdb > db_backup_YYYYMMDD.sql Import into the database to restore it: mysql -u root tightblogdb < db_backup_YYYYMMDD.sql
Best to save the backup copy outside of the linode (e.g., on your local machine) and create a regular backup routine.
Posted by Glen Mazza in Programming at 07:00AM Dec 08, 2023 | Comments[2]
Updated August 2024
I created a Spring OAuth2-based Marketo client, located in my blog-samples project on Github. Its format follows clients I had created previously for Salesforce CRM and Domo. While only a relatively small subset of the Marketo API is covered, the client covers some of its most important functionality, including:
Lead maintenance, including querying, creating, updating, and deleting leads
Activities - limited, just querying activity types supported
Bulk Extracts - creating, enqueuing, polling, and downloading CSVs, both for leads and activities. Note there is a marketo.max.response.size.mb
property used in the client's MarketoOAuth2Config class that can be increased beyond its default 2MB for larger downloads.
To deal with Marketo's 602 (expired token) and 606 (too many requests) error codes, Spring Retry is used, via a MarketoRetryable annotation placed on methods making outgoing API calls and a response-checker that upon receiving those codes will throw specific exceptions to trigger the retry mechanism. So far, these are the only two error codes I've found necessary to check for, but this logic can be expanded if others incurred.
The functionality is well-tested by means of the integration tests provided in the project, which also serve as examples of how to work with the client. Note also the configuration instructions given in its properties file, needed for projects using this client.
Posted by Glen Mazza in Programming at 02:00AM Nov 06, 2023 | Tags: marketo | Comments[0]
Updated February 2024
At work we use Domo for analysis of customer behavior. We have a need to retrieve data stored in Domo DataSets, which are its rough equivalent to database tables. While Domo offers their own Java SDK, it hasn't been updated lately, and so I thought it better to create my own client, leveraging what I had done earlier for a Salesforce CRM client, with its Spring OAuth client support. Note the client currently supports just DataSets, specifically querying dataset metadata and contents (methods are in DataSetQueryRunner). Domo offers several other APIs which the client can probably be expanded to support without too much difficulty, leveraging what the DataSet calls do.
The Java client is available in the blog-samples GitHub project. Steps to use:
Follow the Domo documentation to create a client ID and secret, and also to create an access token. In both cases, just the "data" scope is needed. The access token will not be used by the Java client, but will be used next to test permissions.
Confirm the client credentials have the permissions necessary to access the desired DataSets. Use the access token to list the DataSets you have access to and then query one or more. The list call will give you the DataSet ID needed for the subsequent query. If you cannot see the desired DataSet in the list call, or if the query is not returning the DataSet's rows, your account's permissions may need to be adjusted before proceeding further.
Confirm the Java client can work with those credentials. The RestServicesTest provides examples for querying DataSet metadata and contents. Update the desired queries with your desired DataSet ID and/or name as given in the comments. Also, follow the instructions in the resources/ file for adding your client credentials, making sure of course to not accidentally move them to public source control.
Once all is configured, run the test class(es) from either from your IDE debugger or from the command-line (./gradlew clean build integrationTest
) to ensure connectivity and functionality working.
The integration test for the content query mostly queries the returned metadata as querying specific data would be dependent on the DataSet that you plugged in. By running the test in an IDE debugger you can see the actual data returned, but a sample format is already given as a comment in the client's DataSetQueryResponse. Note the returned data, given as the List<List<String>> rows
in this class, shows that all data is returned as strings and must be queried via row and column to retrieve:
// for each row of DataSet for (List<String> row : response.getRows()) { // query the row's columns, converting to different types as desired String col1 = row.get(0); int col2 = Integer.parseInt(row.get(1)); ... }
Note the columns are ordered as they were in the query given in the DataSetQueryRequest.
Client credentials appear to be specific to the user creating them, and are hence limited to the DataSet access permissions that user has. Should the user lose access, another set of client credentials will need to be created.
Domo does not appear to have any direct support for pagination. If you have a very large DataSet, adding a column with an incrementing number, and using the column in a WHERE clause, may be the best option.
Another option for downloading large datasets, if your deployment has the memory available, there is also a domo.max.response.size.mb
property used in the client's DomoOAuth2Config class that can be adjusted.
Posted by Glen Mazza in Programming at 03:00AM Aug 07, 2023 | Tags: domo | Comments[0]
This entry provides a simple example of using Spring Shell (within Spring Boot) and Micrometer to send custom metrics to Datadog. For a fuller example with Docker and the Datadog Agent, I recommend Datadog Learning Center's free Datadog 101: Developer course. This course will also provide you a free two-week training Datadog account which you can use to receive custom metrics for this example, useful if you don't care to test against your company account. Note custom metrics ordinarily carry billing costs, requiring a paid Datadog account.
Spring Boot already provides numerous web metrics in several areas that can be sent to Datadog without explicit need to capture them. The jvm.*
properties, for example, are readable in Datadog's Metrics Explorer, filtering by statistic:value
for this example in the "from" field. For custom metrics, we'll have the Spring Shell app commands modify a Timer and a Gauge.
Create the Spring Shell application. From Spring Initializr, choose a Java JAR app with Spring Shell and Datadog as dependencies. For some reason I needed to choose the Spring Boot 2.7.x series for an app to download. Prior to running the demo in your IDE (I use IntelliJ), the management.metrics.export.datadog.apiKey=...
value needs to be added to the main/resources/ file. Your API key can be determined by logging into Datadog, and from the bottom of the left-side menu, click on your name, then Organization Settings, then Access, the API Keys.
Create the shell commands to add to the timer and gauge values:
package com.example.demo; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tags; import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; @ShellComponent public class MyCommands { private final Timer timer; private final List<Integer> integerList; public MyCommands(MeterRegistry registry) { timer = registry.timer("demoapp.timer", Tags.empty()); integerList = registry.gauge("demoapp.listsize", Tags.empty(), new ArrayList<>(), List::size); } @ShellMethod("Note a timer event of given duration in seconds") public String timer(int seconds) { timer.record(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); return "Timer event noted"; } @ShellMethod("Add an element to list") public String listAdd() { integerList.add(10); return "List has " + integerList.size() + " elements"; } @ShellMethod("Remove an element from list (if possible)") public String listRemove() { if (integerList.size() > 0) { integerList.remove(integerList.size() - 1); } return "List has " + integerList.size() + " elements"; } }
For the above we're keeping a gauge on the size of the list, and for the timer, we provide the number of seconds that an arbitrary event took.
Run the application and enter several timer #secs
, list-add
, and list-remove
commands. Run -> Run Application from the IntelliJ menu should work fine to enter the commands in the IDE's Console view. To keep the connection with Datadog, keep the command-line app running, even if you're not entering commands. After 2 or 3 minutes, check Datadog's Metrics Explorer to confirm that the demoapp.timer
and demoapp.listsize
metrics are getting received:
A dashboard can be created to show both properties at once (with separate average time and counts given for the Timer):
Posted by Glen Mazza in Programming at 03:00AM May 20, 2023 | Tags: datadog | Comments[0]
For a Spring Boot application accessing a Flyway-managed MySQL database, I updated its integration tests from using in-memory HSQLDB to Testcontainers' MySQL module. This was both to have testing be done on a database more closely matching deployment environments and also to have various tables pre-populated with standard data provided by our Flyway migration scripts. I'm happy to report that the cost of these benefits was only a slight increase in test running time (perhaps 10-15% more time), and that despite there being 170 Flyway migrations at that time of the conversion.
It is best to use Testcontainers when starting to develop the application, so any hiccups found in a Flyway migration file can be fixed before that migration file becomes final. Switching to testcontainers after-the-fact uncovered problems with some of our migration scripts requiring additional configuration of the MySQL testcontainer. The main problems were unnecessary explicit specification of the schema name in the scripts, and a suboptimal definition of a table that required explicit_defaults_for_timestamp
to be configured in MySQL. This configuration was in our deployment my.cnf
files but not in the default one used by the MySQL testcontainer.
Solving the first issue involved explicit specification of the username, password, and database name when creating the Testcontainers instance. Initializing the MySQL container just once for all integration tests is sufficient for our particular application, so TC's Manual container lifecycle control which uses Java configuration was used:
@SpringBootTest @ActiveProfiles("itest") public class MyAppIntegrationTest { private static final MySQLContainer MY_SQL_CONTAINER; static { MY_SQL_CONTAINER = new MySQLContainer("mysql:5.7") .withUsername("myappUser") .withPassword("myappPass") .withDatabaseName("myapp"); MY_SQL_CONTAINER.start(); } @DynamicPropertySource public static void containersProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) { registry.add("spring.datasource.username", MY_SQL_CONTAINER::getUsername); registry.add("spring.datasource.password", MY_SQL_CONTAINER::getPassword); registry.add("spring.datasource.url", MY_SQL_CONTAINER::getJdbcUrl); } }
The containersProperties call dynamically populates the given Spring boot config values with those provided from the MySQL testcontainer. Note the spring.datasource.url
will be a "regular" MySQL URL, i.e., Spring Boot and Flyway are unaware that the database is a Testcontainers-provided one.
When doing Java-based instantiation of the MySQL instance as above, I've found adding the standard property file configuration of the MySQL testcontainer to be unnecessary and best avoided -- doing so appeared to create a second, unused, container instance, slowing down builds. However, if you choose to use properties-only Java configuration (perhaps wishing to instantiate and initialize MySQL testcontainers more frequently during the integration tests), configuration similar to the below should work. Note the "myappdatabase", "myuser" and "mypass" values given in the url
property are used to tell Testcontainers the values to set when creating the database and the user. In turn, whatever values placed here should go into the standard Spring username and password properties as shown:
spring.flyway.enabled=true spring.datasource.url=jdbc:tc:mysql:5.7://localhost/myappdatabase?user=myuser&password=mypass spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver spring.datasource.username=myuser spring.datasource.password=mypass
Fixing the second issue involved using a different my.cnf for the MySQL testcontainer. To accomplish that I copied the mysql-default-conf/my.cnf
directory and file from the org.testcontainers.mysql:1.17.6 library (easily viewable from IntelliJ IDEA) and pasted it as src/itest/resources/mysql-default-conf/my.cnf
in the Spring Boot application. From the latter location I added my needed change.
The Gradle dependencies used to activate the MySQL testcontainer in the integration test environment:
configurations { integrationTestImplementation.extendsFrom testImplementation integrationTestRuntimeOnly.extendsFrom testRuntimeOnly } dependencies { integrationTestImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test' integrationTestImplementation 'org.testcontainers:mysql' integrationTestImplementation 'org.testcontainers:junit-jupiter' }
Further resources:
Posted by Glen Mazza in Programming at 03:00AM May 14, 2023 | Comments[0]
I've added support for the Composite API to my Salesforce CRM Java client, in particular for updates and inserts. This API method allows for up to 25 subrequests at the cost of just one API call (with a few other limitations depending on the types of calls made). For insertion-only requests, where the items being inserted are not related to each other, the Multiple Record Insertion technique added earlier to the client is probably best, as it allows for up to 200 insertions in one API call.
For tl;dr; purposes, reviewing the testMultipleEntityRecordInsertionsAndCompositeCalls() test case shows how a Composite API call can be made with this client. The sample makes one request consisting of one insert and two updates, and shows how to obtain the fields returned in both success and error scenarios. An example Multiple Record Insertion technique is in the same test.
As shown in the Salesforce docs, composite calls consist of a series of objects with four fields: method
, url
, referenceId
, and body
{ "compositeRequest" : [{ "method" : "POST", "url" : "/services/data/v57.0/sobjects/Account", "referenceId" : "refAccount", "body" : { "Name" : "Sample Account" } },{ "method" : "POST", "url" : "/services/data/v57.0/sobjects/Contact", "referenceId" : "refContact", "body" : { "LastName" : "Sample Contact", "AccountId" : "@{}" } }] }
The method will be POST for inserts and PATCH for updates, while the url
field refers to the object being inserted/updated. Example URL formats for Accounts:
Inserts: /services/data/vXX.X/sobjects/Account
Updates: /services/data/vXX.X/sobjects/Account/id/(SF ref ID of Account)
To provide these fields, the client provides an abstract CompositeEntityRecord
, taking care of all fields but the body, the latter to be provided by subclasses the developer creates.
public abstract class CompositeEntityRecord { @JsonIgnore private final String entity; private final String referenceId; private final Method method; // URL dynamically generated when making request private String url; // getters and setters }
The entity is @JsonIgnored
as it is not part of the JSON object sent to Salesforce. As the URL contains the Salesforce API version and other call-specific data, it will be dynamically generated by the SalesforceCompositeRequestService at the time of the call. A sample CompositeEntityRecord subclass, to update an Account's site and number of employees:
public class AccountUpdateCompositeRecord extends CompositeEntityRecord { private Body body = new Body(); public AccountUpdateCompositeRecord(String referenceId) { super("Account", Method.PATCH, referenceId); } public Body getBody() { return body; } public static class Body { public int numberOfEmployees; public String site; // getters and setters } }
For updates, the id should not be placed in the body, that will instead be placed in the url
field at the time of the service call (below). The referenceId needs to be a unique value for all subrequests of the composite request. For updates, the SF ID of the object being updated (unless you're updating one item multiple times in the same call) would be an excellent fit.
Insertions will normally involve more fields, so it will be usually necessary to create another subclass with its additional fields. Also, there won't be a SF ID yet, so just choose a unique string for each reference ID in the composite call. In the response coming back, use the same ID to obtain the subrequest's results.
public class AccountInsertCompositeRecord extends CompositeEntityRecord { private final Body body = new Body(); public AccountInsertCompositeRecord(String referenceId) { super("Account", Method.POST, referenceId); } public Body getBody() { return body; } public static class Body { .... }
The client provides a CompositeEntityRecordRequest
to hold all the subrequests:
public class CompositeEntityRecordRequest { boolean allOrNone; List<? extends CompositeEntityRecord> compositeRequest; public CompositeEntityRecordRequest(boolean allOrNone) { this.allOrNone = allOrNone; } // getters and setters }
See the Salesforce Docs for the usage of allOrNone, due to its importance it is placed in the constructor to require it to be specified. For the response returned by the Composite API call, the CompositeEntityRecordResponse class below is used. The format of the result body returned from Salesforce is unfortunately different in the success (Map) and failure cases (List of Map), so the Result.body field is declared as an Object. However, there are helper methods getSuccessResultsMap()
and getErrorResultsList()
in the Result object to help you parse the body (see the client test case mentioned above for an example of both). By first reading the Result's httpStatusCode
you can determine the proper method to call.
package net.glenmazza.sfclient.model; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class CompositeEntityRecordResponse { List<Result> compositeResponse; // getters and setters public static class Result { private int httpStatusCode; private String referenceId; private Map<String, String> httpHeaders; private Object body; // getters and setters public Map<String, Object> getSuccessResultsMap() { // ... } public List<Map<String, Object>> getErrorResultsList() { // ... } } }
As shown in the test case, once the CompositeEntityRecordRequest object is created, a call to the client's SalesforceCompositeRequestService is straightforward:
CompositeEntityRecordResponse cerr = scrs.bulkProcess(cerReq);
Further Resources:
How to Use Salesforce Composite Rest API - Roycon website
Posted by Glen Mazza in Salesforce CRM at 03:00AM May 12, 2023 | Comments[0]