Glen Mazza's Weblog Monday November 14, 2022

Inserting multiple Salesforce CRM records with a single API call

Salesforce CRM's REST API allows for inserting up to 200 records into Salesforce using just a single API call, a considerable time- and cost-savings over inserting records one-by-one. I've updated my Java Salesforce client to be able to make such calls. Some notes about this process:

  • This multiple insertion process is distinct from Salesforce's Bulk API, an asynchronous method that relies on CSV files that is suggested for data sets of over 2000 records where immediate responses are not necessary.

  • This process is just for record insertions. For other CRUD actions, Salesforce's Composite API can be used, albeit with lower limits (25 requests per query).

Salesforce provides a multi-insert example showing the request and successful (201 Created) response JSON, but is missing the format of error messages specific to these types of calls. I'm providing below the format of the error responses determined while updating the Java client. Given a snippet of the SF example's request body:

"records" :[{
    "attributes" : {"type" : "Account", "referenceId" : "ref1"},
    "name" : "SampleAccount1",
    "phone" : "1111111111",
    "website" : "",
    "numberOfEmployees" : "100",
    "industry" : "Banking"   
    "attributes" : {"type" : "Account", "referenceId" : "ref2"},
    "name" : "SampleAccount2",
    "phone" : "2222222222",
    "website" : "",
    "numberOfEmployees" : "250",
    "industry" : "Banking"

Each item to be inserted needs an attributes metadata property, specifying the type and a referenceId, the latter of which can be anything but must be unique for each item in the insertion. The reference IDs are used in the response for either providing the Salesforce IDs for successful insertions, or in referring to any errors with that particular record. The attribute type field seems redundant, as the API call made already specifies the type being inserted, but it is nonetheless required for these types of calls.

Generic error response (403) if any reference IDs are missing:

          "message": "Include a reference ID for each record in the request.",
          "errorCode": "INVALID_INPUT"

Above message will be uncommon so long as the request has referenceIds for every record provided. The more common 400 Bad Request response can occur due to missing attribute types, duplicate reference IDs, as well as validation failures, missing required fields, etc. For 400s, the response body will list the problem records by the referenceId provided in the request, example:

      "hasErrors": true,
      "results": [
              "referenceId": "ref3",
              "errors": [
                      "statusCode": "INVALID_INPUT",
                      "message": "Duplicate ReferenceId provided in the request.",
                      "fields": []
              "referenceId": "ref8",
              "errors": [
                      "statusCode": "INVALID_INPUT",
                      "message": "Include an entity type for each record in the request.",
                      "fields": []

What is important to note with multiple record insertion is that, if there are any reported problems with any of the items being inserted, none of the records in the request will be inserted (all-or-nothing). One way to handle failures is to make a second request of the same records minus those reported as failures in the prior response (matching on referenceId), to at least get those records inserted. The failed records can instead be logged and analyzed to see what to do with them.

As for making these calls using the Salesforce Client, an included integration test shows the process for inserting multiple rows with one call, and also how to trap and read any 400 exceptions that may occur. The code is fairly the same regardless of which objects are being inserted, however each type of object being inserted will need a MultipleEntityRecord subclass (similar to here for the integration test). The MultipleEntityRecord base class stores the required type and referenceId attributes, while the subclass is to store the fields specific to the object being inserted.

Posted by Glen Mazza in Salesforce CRM at 02:00AM Nov 14, 2022 | Tags:  salesforce  salesforce-crm | Comments[0] Sunday July 04, 2021

Publishing Salesforce platform events via Apex triggers and REST controllers

For change data capture and push topic events, Salesforce itself generates event messages whenever specified changes to specified objects occur. Salesforce also offers platform and generic events to allow for users to send messages of a specified structure at times of the developer's choosing. For coverage of Platform Events, Salesforce offers a Developer Guide as well as a Trailhead Module for hands-on learning.

Salesforce's generic events have their own guide but generally provide less developer support compared to platform events. For one, it is only with the CometD client that generic events can be listened to, and these messages apparently have a message size limit of 3K compared to the 1 MB provided for platform events. On the other hand, some advantages for generic events include its ability to send any arbitrary JSON as well as specify the users to receive each message. While Platform event messages will stream as JSON, they don't appear to support JSON objects within its payload. Instead, JSON objects need to be streamed as JSON strings and manually unpacked from the client receiving the message.

In the steps below I'll be featuring additional functionality beyond that covered in the Trailhead tutorial, providing examples of including data from multiple object types (here, both Accounts and Contacts in one message) as well as publishing platform events via triggers attached to specified objects and via an Apex REST controller (the latter allowing external systems to request that an event be generated.). My Salesforce Java client from a previous tutorial includes support for calling Apex REST controllers and the separate Change Data Capture (CDC) listener can be modified to read the platform events generated, as CDC events are a specialized case of platform events.

  1. Define the custom platform event. The Trailhead tutorial shows how platform events are defined. Here, I'm creating an AccountAndContacts__e event below, to show how we can create a message consisting of multiple sObject types (here, Account and Contact), as well as generate multiple messages to report on all contacts (there is a 128K limit for contacts per message, but for demonstration purposes below I'll be limiting each message to five contacts). Note the Contact field will exist as a JSON string, containing an array of objects (for this example, we'll have the User's Salesforce ID, name, and email address). From the perspective of the platform event, however, we can define this only as a string without specifying further definition for its contents.

    Define Platform Event

  2. Create an Apex method (and test class) for generating platform events.. This generator will create, for a given account, one platform event message for every five contacts at that account. I keep a "calls" static variable to indicate a platform event getting published, which helps immensely when writing tests. Note as given in the comments this variable's lifetime is just within- and per-transaction and not global as it would be in Java, further helping its usage in testing.

    public class AccountAndContactsEventGenerator {
        // Counter to check that this generator is being called (useful for testing objects calling the generator)
        // Note, lifetime of this object per transaction, not system-wide as in Java, see:
        public static Integer calls = 0;
        public static void publishAccountAndContactsEvents(Account account) {
            List<AccountAndContacts__e> events = getEventMessages(account);        
            List<Database.SaveResult> results = EventBus.publish(events);
            for (Database.SaveResult sr : results) {
                if (sr.isSuccess()) {
                    System.debug('Successfully published event: '+ sr);
                } else {
                    System.debug('Error when publishing event: ' + sr);
        private static List<AccountAndContacts__e> getEventMessages(Account account) {
            List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email FROM Contact WHERE AccountId =]; 
            // Sending one event message for every five contacts at the company
            List<AccountAndContacts__e> eventList = new List<AccountAndContacts__e>();
            AccountAndContacts__e event = initializeNewEvent(account);
            List<ContactData> contactList = new List<ContactData>();
            for (Integer i = 0; i < contacts.size(); i++) {
                if (i > 0 && math.mod(i, 5) == 0) {
                    event.Contacts__c = JSON.serialize(contactList);
                    event = initializeNewEvent(account);
                ContactData cd = new ContactData();
                Contact con = contacts.get(i);
                cd.userId = con.Id;
                cd.emailAddress = con.Email;
                cd.lastName = con.LastName;
                cd.firstName = con.FirstName;
            event.Contacts__c = JSON.serialize(contactList);
            return eventList;
        private static AccountAndContacts__e initializeNewEvent(Account account) {
            AccountAndContacts__e event = new AccountAndContacts__e();
            event.AccountName__c =;
            event.AccountSFID__c =;
            return event;
        @testVisible private class ContactData {
            public String userId { get; set; }
            public String emailAddress { get; set ; }
            public String lastName { get; set; }
            public String firstName { get; set; }

    Test class: The test creates an account with six contacts (so therefore, two messages will be generated) and parses a sample of the AccountAndContacts__e messages generated to confirm they contain the expected contents. Note within Apex test cases it is not necessary to manually delete objects created as they will be rolled back automatically once the test completes.

    public class AccountAndContactsEventGeneratorTest {
        private static void testEventGeneration() {
            Account account = new Account();
            account.Name = 'Acme Corp';
            insert account;
            List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
            for (Integer i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                contacts.add(createContact('First' + i, 'Last' + i,;
            List<AccountAndContacts__e> messages = AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.getEventMessages(account);
            System.assertEquals(messages.size(), 2);
            AccountAndContacts__e message = messages.get(0);
            System.assertEquals(message.AccountName__c, 'Acme Corp');
            System.assertEquals(message.AccountSFID__c, account.Id);
            List<AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.ContactData> firstFiveContacts 
                = (List<AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.ContactData>) 
                JSON.deserialize(messages.get(0).Contacts__c, List<AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.ContactData>.class);
            System.assertEquals(firstFiveContacts.size(), 5);
            System.assertEquals(firstFiveContacts.get(1).userId, contacts.get(1).Id);
            System.assertEquals(firstFiveContacts.get(2).firstName, 'First2');
            System.assertEquals(firstFiveContacts.get(3).LastName, 'Last3');
            System.assertEquals(firstFiveContacts.get(4).emailAddress, '');
            List<AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.ContactData> sixthContact = 
                JSON.deserialize(messages.get(1).Contacts__c, List<AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.ContactData>.class);
            System.assertEquals(sixthContact.size(), 1);
        private static Contact createContact(String firstName, String lastName, Id accountId) {
            Contact contact = new Contact();
            contact.FirstName = firstName;
            contact.LastName = lastName;
            contact.AccountId = accountId;
            contact.Email = lastName + '';
            insert contact;
            return contact;
  3. Create an Apex trigger (and test class) to activate generator based on desired criteria.. Here I'm placing an after-update trigger on the Account object that will trigger the generator if the Account's name has changed. This demonstrates how the generator can be selectively activated based on the nature of changes to an object.

    trigger trigger_AccountUpdate on Account (after update) {
        for (Account a : Trigger.New) {
            if (!a.Name.equals(Trigger.OldMap.get(a.Id).Name)) {

    Test class: The trigger test checks that a platform event message is generated if and only if the Account name changes. As discussed earlier, I rely on the calls static variable in the generator for this.

    public class TestAccountUpdate {
        static void testUpdateWithNameChangeGeneratesEvent() {
           Account account = new Account(Name = 'Acme Corp', BillingCity = 'Philadelphia');
           insert account;
  = 'New Acme Corp';
           update account;
           System.assertEquals(1, AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.calls);   
        static void testUpdateWithNoNameChangeGeneratesNoEvent() {
           Account account = new Account(Name = 'Acme Corp', BillingCity = 'Philadelphia');
           insert account;
           account.BillingCity = 'Baltimore';
           update account;
           System.assertEquals(0, AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.calls);           
  4. Create an Apex REST Controller (and test class) to activate generator for a specific Account.. If you're new to Salesforce REST Controllers, recommend its Trailhead tutorial.. It shows convenient ways of making REST calls via cURL and Salesforce's Developer Workbench. Additionally, my Salesforce client has an ApexRestCaller and integrated tests showing a way to call Apex endpoints from Java.

    global with sharing class AccountAndContactsEventRESTEndpoint {
        global static void generatePlatformEvent() {
            RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
            String accountId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
            // using List<Account> instead of Account below for safer handling of no matching records
            // see:
            List<Account> accountList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountID];
            Account account = (accountList != null && accountList.size() > 0) ? accountList[0] : null;
            if (account != null) {
            } else {
                System.debug('Could not find Account w/ID = ' + accountId);
    public class AccountAndContactsEventEndpointTest {
        static void testGeneratePlatformEventMessage() {
            // Testing method:
            Account account = new Account(Name = 'RestTestAccount');
            insert account;
        	RestRequest request = new RestRequest();
            request.httpMethod = 'POST';
            request.requestUri = 'https://doesntmatterignored/services/apexrest/AccountAndContactsPE/' +;
            RestContext.request = request;
            // call method
            System.assertEquals(1, AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.calls);
        static void testNoAccountNoPlatformEventMessage() {
            // creating a contact just to get a SF ID not tied to an account.
            Contact contact = new Contact(firstname='First', lastname='Last');
            // Testing method:
            Account account = new Account(Name = 'RestTestAccount');
            insert account;
        	RestRequest request = new RestRequest();
            request.httpMethod = 'POST';
            request.requestUri = 'https://doesntmatterignored/services/apexrest/AccountAndContactsPE/' +;
            RestContext.request = request;
            // call method, no PE because no Account with Contact's SF ID
            System.assertEquals(0, AccountAndContactsEventGenerator.calls);
  5. Subscribe to the event messages. I added a JSON supporting class and processor for this particular platform event to my Salesforce Event Listener covered in an earlier tutorial. The sample logs the contents of any messages received. Due to the trigger created in this tutorial, all that is needed is to change the name of an account in Salesforce and messages, one for every five contacts at the company, will be sent out and picked up by this listener.

Posted by Glen Mazza in Salesforce CRM at 03:00AM Jul 04, 2021 | Tags:  salesforce  java | Comments[0] Wednesday May 19, 2021

Creating and Processing Enriched Change Data Capture Events

Salesforce Trailhead's Create a Custom Channel and Enrich Change Events tutorial shows how to create new Change Data Capture (CDC) channels providing "enriched" messages, i.e., those having certain fields always present. While CREATE and UNDELETE event messages always provide all non-null fields, UPDATE and DELETE events do not, but event enriching can be used for the latter two cases. For example, in my previous tutorial, it would be more readable to always return the Account Name in update and delete events so it can be logged alongside the Account Salesforce ID. And the tutorial gives an example of creating a custom External Account ID field in Salesforce that can be provided in every message and used to identify an account record in the external system for synchronization.

Some drawbacks/limitations of event enriching:

  • It is no longer possible to send multiple changes in one event message (e.g., receiving one message that 100 Salesforce IDs of a given entity had the same field changed to a specific value), as each record will have a separate enriched field value.
  • The enriched fields cannot contain elements from other entities beyond their Salesforce ID, so for a Contact message one can get the Contact's Account ID but not properties of the Account such as Name.
  • It is more cumbersome to create and modify custom channels having enriched fields than relying on the default behavior from the standard CDC streams. The Salesforce Setup UI lacks this functionality, one instead can work with the Salesforce Postman project (GitHub) making REST calls against either Tooling or Metadata APIs. The Salesforce tutorial effectively shows the process using the former.

I expanded my CDC listener sample from the previous tutorial to allow for reading from a custom channel "CDCSample__chn" instead of the standard AccountChangeEvent. The channels can be switched just by adjusting the configuration file and restarting the application. Unfortunately, I was unable to get the Account "Name" property to always be provided in the message as an enriched field. I tried five or six other Account fields and they all worked fine, I'm not sure what the problem with Name is, whether my error or a Salesforce bug.

Using Salesforce's Postman project and the Trailhead tutorial, below are the commands I ran to create and configure this custom channel. Main thing to keep in mind is that a channel is a holder for message event streams, but not a message stream itself. A channel contains one or more channel members, with each member providing messages on a particular entity. It is also with the channel member that any desired enriched fields are defined.

  • Creating the custom Platform Event Channel:

    POST to: {{_endpoint}}/services/data/v{{version}}/tooling/sobjects/PlatformEventChannel
    with body:
      "FullName": "CDCSample__chn",
      "Metadata": {
        "channelType": "data",
        "label": "Custom Channel for Change Data Capture Sample"

    There should be a success message giving the Salesforce ID of the new channel. Metadata on the PlatformEventChannel can be queried using the following GET call:

    {{_endpoint}}/services/data/v{{version}}/tooling/query/?q=SELECT Id, FullName FROM PlatformEventChannel WHERE DeveloperName='CDCSample'
  • Creating a PlatformEventChannelMember in the PlatformEventChannel. Here I'm choosing three fields to always appear.

    POST to {{_endpoint}}/services/data/v{{version}}/tooling/sobjects/PlatformEventChannelMember
      "FullName": "CDCSample_chn_AccountChangeEvent",
      "Metadata": {
        "enrichedFields": [
            "name": "Industry"
            "name": "Name"
            "name": "TickerSymbol"
        "eventChannel": "CDCSample__chn",
        "selectedEntity": "AccountChangeEvent"

    The success message provides the ID for the Channel Member, whose details can be later queried with a GET similar to the following:


    Sample output:

        "attributes": {
            "type": "PlatformEventChannelMember",
            "url": "/services/data/v51.0/tooling/sobjects/PlatformEventChannelMember/0v85e0000004Cl7AAE"
        "Id": "0v85e0000004Cl7AAE",
        "IsDeleted": false,
        "DeveloperName": "CDCSample_chn_AccountChangeEvent",
        "Language": "en_US",
        "MasterLabel": "AccountChangeEvent",
        "NamespacePrefix": null,
        "ManageableState": "unmanaged",
        "CreatedDate": "2021-05-15T16:01:21.000+0000",
        "CreatedById": "0055e000000nMxcAAE",
        "LastModifiedDate": "2021-05-19T10:27:59.000+0000",
        "LastModifiedById": "0055e000000nMxcAAE",
        "SystemModstamp": "2021-05-19T10:27:59.000+0000",
        "FullName": "CDCSample_chn_AccountChangeEvent",
        "Metadata": {
            "enrichedFields": [
                    "name": "Industry"
                    "name": "Name"
                    "name": "TickerSymbol"
            "eventChannel": "CDCSample__chn",
            "selectedEntity": "AccountChangeEvent",
            "urls": null
        "EventChannel": "0YL5e0000008OIAGA2",
        "SelectedEntity": "AccountChangeEvent"

    Above query provides the enriched fields, but for links to them specifically, this query can be used:

    {{_endpoint}}/services/data/v{{version}}/tooling/query/?q=SELECT Id,ChannelMemberId,Field FROM EnrichedField ORDER BY ChannelMemberId
  • Keep this tutorial page handy for whenever it is needed to adjust the enriched fields of a platform event channel member. It involves PATCH requests to the endpoint originally used to create the stream.

Posted by Glen Mazza in Salesforce CRM at 03:00AM May 19, 2021 | Tags:  salesforce  platform-events  change-data-capture  cometd | Comments[0] Sunday March 28, 2021

Making Salesforce CRM API calls with Postman

Salesforce's Mohith Shrivastava's second Connected App tutorial shows how the JWT Bearer Token Flow can be used with Postman to obtain access tokens. Separately, SFDCStop shows how to use an access token to retrieve data from Salesforce. Summary of the process for getting an access token via JWT Bearer Token flow is given below, along with the alternative Username-Password flow.

Obtaining Access Token via JWT Bearer Token Flow

Mohith's second tutorial largely follows the Trailblazer documentation for creating the JWT necessary for obtaining an access token. First, within Postman, open a POST request to (or for production) with two query attributes, grant_type hardcoded to urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer and assertion with a value that can be generated at as follows:

  1. Place {"alg":"RS256"} in the JWT header.

  2. Place the following in the JWT payload, updating the iss value with the Client ID of the connected app, the aud value (should be either for sandbox instances, for all others, including developer instances), the sub with the Salesforce resource owner (the user ID, usually expressed as an email), and exp value being the ten-digit current UNIX timestamp. Ensure there are no spaces or carriage returns in the payload:

    {"iss":"--client id--","sub":"--salesforce user--","aud":"","exp":"1616865336"}

    You may also wish to add a "jti" field (JWT ID), the value of which can be a randomly generated UUID. As stated in the Trailblazer documentation linked above, if a "jti" field is added, Salesforce will make sure the JWT hasn't been used to make a prior access token request, serving as a guard against replay attacks. If it has been used, it will return a 400 response code with message { "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "jti already in use"}.

  3. Finally, in the Verify Signature portion, as generated in the previous tutorial, place the PublicCert.crt contents and the private key found in key.pem (including the BEGIN/END delimiters) in the corresponding boxes. should report "Signature Verified", upon which you can copy the left-side as the assertion value into the Postman call. Make the call and you should get an access token in response.


Obtaining Access Token via Username-Password Flow

This process is much more straightforward as no keys are used. As shown in the Salesforce documentation, you can simply make a POST request with the following five query parameters: grant_type, client_id, client_secret, username, and password.


Making Salesforce calls using the Access Token

As demo'ed in the SFDCStop video, can create a GET request to say,Type+FROM+Account. Under the Authorization tab, select "Bearer", copy-and-paste the access token in, and make the API call.


More information on SOQL calls are available here.

Posted by Glen Mazza in Salesforce CRM at 03:00AM Mar 28, 2021 | Tags:  salesforce  postman  oauth2 | Comments[0] Sunday March 21, 2021

Creating a Salesforce Connected App

Salesforce Connected Apps provide the conduit for data transfers between Salesforce and third-party apps. Salesforce's Mohith Shrivastava offers four-part series on Connected Apps, roughly four hours of instruction in total, helpful for visual walk-through of configuration. Below are simple steps I've followed for configuring a Connected App, but as always the official documentation should be at least reviewed to make sure all security matters are properly taken care of.

Creating credentials to access a Connected App.

The OAuth Authorization Flows section in the Salesforce Trailblazer documentation details the various methods (or "flows") available for working with Salesforce data externally. Below lists configuration for two of the flows usually best for server-to-server integration, i.e., without an active user logging in and activating the processes. For this use case, Salesforce recommends creating an integration user. Instructions here and here seem to best for creating an integration user. However, the profile options for choosing "API Enabled" and "API Only User" (i.e., user can not directly log into Salesforce) appear not to be under a "Administrative permissions" section anymore but under the System: System Permissions option when one creates the integration user's profile.

  • OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow: Accessing the application using a public/private key pair. Here, the public cert is uploaded to the Salesforce connected app, while the requests are signed by the client using the private key. The Connected App relies on the successful decrypting of the message to confirm the request is coming from the client. In this case, the user's login and connected app consumer key are needed by the client, but not the user's password or the connected app client secret.

    A locally-made key pair is sufficient for this access technique, I've used a combination of the Java keytool and OpenSSL for this. Steps:

    1. Create a Java PKCS12 keystore using the following command. Keystore passwords here don't matter as they will soon be discarded (keys will be worked with directly). Note that validity given below is in days, whatever value you choose, note the key will need to be replaced with it expires:

      keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -validity 1095 -storepass mypassword -storetype PKCS12 -keystore tempKeystore.p12 -alias myappkey
    2. Create a public certificate to be uploaded to the Salesforce Connected App:

      keytool -export -rfc -keystore tempKeystore.p12 -storepass mypassword -file PublicCert.crt -alias myappkey
    3. As for the public key itself, it is not needed for making Salesforce calls, but can be obtained if desired via:

      openssl x509 -pubkey -in PublicCert.crt -text -noout
    4. Finally, extracting the private key from the keystore. The private key needs to be kept secure as anyone with it can access the Salesforce Connected App, once the latter is configured with its public cert.

      openssl pkcs12 -in tempKeystore.p12 -passin pass:mypassword -nodes -nocerts -out key.pem
  • OAuth 2.0 Username-Password Flow for Special Scenarios: Obtaining access tokens using the resource owner's username and password instead of X.509 key pair. Salesforce does not ordinarily recommend this flow, quote: "Use it only if there’s a high degree of trust between the resource owner and the client, the client is a first-party app, Salesforce is hosting the data, and other grant types aren’t available. In these cases, set user permissions to minimize access and protect stored credentials from unauthorized access."

    If you're heavily using Postman to obtain access tokens, this method is much easier and faster than manually creating JWT bearer tokens, of course be careful though that the user and client credentials don't get exposed to others who shouldn't have them.

Salesforce Connected App Configuration
  1. Log into Salesforce and click the gear on the upper right side to choose Setup (illustration below). Once the setup window appears, on the left-side search box search and select "App Manager". Once App Manager is up, select the New Connected App button on the right-side.



  2. Click on the "Enable OAuth Settings" checkbox to place in configuration similar to the below. See the official documentation for an explanation of options available, also note the refresh_token role granted below would be unneeded for either of the two flows above (neither use refresh tokens). If using the Bearer Flow, be sure to click on "Use Digital Signatures", place the public key generated earlier into a file and upload. The callback URL will be ignored for either of the two flows, but a value needs to be provided regardless. When done, hit “Save” at the top, and then the “Manage” button, and then “Edit Policies” (covered in next step).

  3. On the Policies page, here is where you may wish to add IP Address restrictions to limit from where approved clients may call the application. Click Save and scroll to the Profiles section (next step).


  4. For profiles, add the profile of the User being used to make the Salesforce calls. If an Integration User profile was created as suggested above, for example, choose that. Make sure the user associated with the calls is part of that profile.

  5. Back in App Manager, in the table of apps, go to the last column of the new connected app and choose View. As mentioned earlier, just the consumer key will be needed for the Bearer flow, but both that and the consumer secret for the Username-Password flow. As with the private key in the Bearer flow, make sure the client secret is stored confidentially, should it get exposed the connected app should be deleted and a new one which will have a different consumer key and secret created.

Posted by Glen Mazza in Salesforce CRM at 03:00AM Mar 21, 2021 | Tags:  salesforce  oauth2 | Comments[0]

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